Featuring Recent Customer Testimonials

Jay's Customer Testimonials

Not all of our customers leave Google reviews; sometimes their feedback arrives in the form of a text or email. Here is a small sampling of great comments we have received from our customers recently:

Thanks so much. The 4 young men that did the packing on Saturday were amazing and made this move very easy and non-stressful for us. Please pass this on to them.

Everything with our move went very well. Everyone was great to deal with. Respectful, good sense of humour, no issues at all.
Very much appreciated. Thanks again and if we ever move again, we’ll be sure to reach out. We’d have no issue recommending your services to our acquaintances either.

Just wanted to let you know that the move yesterday went great. Those 3 guys are really excellent and they were very patient and helpful!!

We also appreciate the trouble you went to to provide an accurate quote! We will definitely make use of Jay’s in the future.

First off, wow!! John and I have moved 3 times over the last 10 years and this move was hands down the best experience we’ve ever had! The crews in both Yorkton and Regina were phenomenal and provided excellent service. Thank you so much!!

Crew went above and beyond! Impressive! Not a mark or a scuff! Very pleased!

The moving team was exceptional—even their voices were quiet. Moving is a very stressful time, and their calming, quiet ways helped with the stress level. There was no banging of furniture or walls which lifted a lot of stress. I never heard a peep—it was very impressive. The boys literally ran!

